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  【摘要】備考翻譯碩士,不僅需要扎實的功底,更需要廣闊的知識面,下面是為大家整理的本周熱詞,希望給大家?guī)韼椭?a target="_blank">了解更多猛戳



  Xi-Obama summit
  The Xi-Obama summit is the fifth between the two heads of state.

  國家主席習近平22日啟程出訪美國,首站為西雅圖,在西雅圖停留期間,習近平參觀了微軟位于華盛頓州雷德蒙德的總部(campus)以及波音位于艾弗里特的總裝廠(massive factory),并在西雅圖發(fā)表政策演講(policy speech)。

  24日,習近平乘專機抵達美國首都華盛頓,繼續(xù)對美國進行國事訪問。當天,習近平在華盛頓出席美國總統(tǒng)奧巴馬舉行的私人晚宴(private dinner)。華盛頓是習近平此次美國之行的第二站。結(jié)束對華盛頓的訪問后,習近平將赴紐約出席聯(lián)合國成立70周年系列峰會(a series of summits marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations headquarters)。

  中美兩國領(lǐng)導人將就國際和地區(qū)形勢(regional and international situation)、各自內(nèi)外政策(respective domestic and foreign policies)和雙邊關(guān)系(bilateral ties)等重大問題坦誠、深入地交換意見,確保中美關(guān)系始終不偏離構(gòu)建新型大國關(guān)系(new model of major-country relationship)的軌道。雙方將就經(jīng)貿(mào)(economy and trade)、能源(energy)、人文(people-to-people exchanges)、氣候變化(climate change)、環(huán)保(environmental protection)、金融(finance)、科技(science and technology)、農(nóng)業(yè)(agriculture)、執(zhí)法(law enforcement)、防務(defense)、航空(aviation)、基建(infrastructure development)等諸多領(lǐng)域達成重要共識,簽署一批影響深遠的合作協(xié)議(cooperation agreement)。

  welcome ceremony 歡迎儀式
  honor guards 儀仗隊
  welcoming remarks 歡迎辭
  full state welcome 全套國賓待遇
  state banquet 國宴
  maintain stable growth 穩(wěn)增長
  make structural adjustments 調(diào)結(jié)構(gòu)
  carry out reform 促改革
  improve people's well-being 惠民生
  forestall risks 防風險
  peaceful development 和平發(fā)展
  win-win cooperation 合作共贏

  Internet plus tourism
  Under the topic of "Internet plus tourism", the CNTA looks to fully integrate tourism resources in the industry. In five years, tourists are expected to access free WiFi at all 3A and above scenic spots in China.


  除3A景區(qū)(3A and above scenic spots)外,3星級以上賓館(three-star and above hotels)也將實現(xiàn)無線網(wǎng)絡全覆蓋。到2020年,推動全國所有4A級景區(qū)(scenic spot with a rating of 4A and above)實現(xiàn)免費WiFi、智能導游、電子講解、在線預訂、信息推送等功能全覆蓋。屆時,逢節(jié)假日景區(qū)人滿為患、超負荷運轉(zhuǎn)的局面有望得到緩解。我國還將運用互聯(lián)網(wǎng)開展文明旅游引導(use the Internet to promote "civilized tourism"),定期發(fā)布游客不文明旅游行為記錄(publish the "incorrect tourism behaviors" to the public)。

  China-US Year of Tourism 中美旅游年
  tourists between the two countries 雙向旅游人數(shù)
  high-speed train trip 高鐵旅游
  forest tourism 森林旅游
  nature reserves 自然保護區(qū)
  wetland parks 濕地公園
  medical tourism 醫(yī)療旅游
  ecotourism 生態(tài)旅游
  space tourism 太空旅游

  gender equality
  Gender equality and women's development in China not only show the country's own progress, but also constitute a historical contribution made to global equality, development and peace, said the white paper on gender equality and women's development.


  國務院新聞辦公室新聞發(fā)言人胡凱紅介紹,《中國性別平等與婦女發(fā)展》白皮書全文約1.1萬字,由前言(preface)、正文和結(jié)束語(conclusion )三部分組成。白皮書運用大量事實和數(shù)據(jù)(facts and figures),詳細介紹了中國推動性別平等與婦女發(fā)展的政策措施(measures implemented)和取得的顯著成就(outstanding achievements)。

  今年是中國提出男女平等基本國策(basic state policy)20周年,是聯(lián)合國第四次世界婦女大會在北京成功舉辦20周年(the 20th anniversary of the UN's Fourth World Conference on Women that was held in Beijing)。

  "在這樣一個重要時刻,中國政府發(fā)表《中國性別平等與婦女發(fā)展》白皮書,全面介紹20年來中國在性別平等與婦女發(fā)展方面取得的進步,闡釋和表達有關(guān)政策主張,對于增進國際社會(international community)對中國的了解和認識(understanding),更好地促進中國性別平等與婦女發(fā)展,加強中國與世界的對話(dialogue)、交流(exchange)、合作(cooperation),具有重要意義。"胡凱紅說。

  status of women 婦女地位
  world's total female population 世界婦女人口
  institutional foundation 機制保障
  organizational system of women's federations 婦聯(lián)組織體系
  gender statistics system 性別統(tǒng)計制度
  employment structure for women 婦女就業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)
  constitutional principle of equality between men and women 男女平等的憲法原則

  two-way cross-border RMB cash pooling
  China's central bank on Wednesday raised the ceiling on cross-border renminbi (RMB) fund flows for multinationals via two-way cross-border RMB cash pooling and lowered the threshold for participation in the business.


  "跨境雙向人民幣資金池"(two-way cross-border RMB cash pooling),指跨國企業(yè)集團(multi-national conglomerates)根據(jù)自身經(jīng)營和管理需要,在境內(nèi)外非金融成員企業(yè)之間開展的跨境人民幣資金余缺調(diào)劑和歸集業(yè)務,屬于企業(yè)集團內(nèi)部的經(jīng)營性融資活動(financing activities)。

  此外,央行擴大了凈流入額度上限(the cap on the net inflow),對開展該業(yè)務企業(yè)的門檻也有所調(diào)整,實際上提升了跨國企業(yè)人民幣的可得性,并推動人民幣國際化。"跨境雙向人民幣資金池"可以使跨國企業(yè)資本配置更便利,提高資金管理效率(enhance cash management efficiency)、縮減融資成本(cut financing costs)。通知規(guī)定,主辦企業(yè)可以選擇1-3家具有國際結(jié)算業(yè)務(international settlement business)能力的銀行辦理跨境雙向人民幣資金池業(yè)務。

  solvency 償付能力
  credit assets 信貸資產(chǎn)
  shadow banking 影子銀行
  offshore finance 離岸金融
  financial supervision 金融監(jiān)管
  short-term fluctuate 短期波動
  RMB's currency ratio 人民幣匯率

  default search engine
  Microsoft struck a deal with Chinese search giant Baidu Inc on Wednesday to make Baidu.com the default search engine and home page for Web surfers in China who are using Microsoft's Edge browser.


  根據(jù)雙方的協(xié)議,為了回報微軟的上述搜索安排,百度將提高自有客戶升級到微軟新操作系統(tǒng)的便利度(make it easier for its own customers to update to Microsoft's new operating system)。百度稱,在百度搜索引擎上搜索 Windows 10的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)用戶將在頁面頂部看到一個大的廣告橫幅(a large banner advertisement),引導用戶進入一個特定的Windows 10下載界面。

  常見的搜索引擎有百度、谷歌、雅虎、必應等。關(guān)于網(wǎng)絡搜索(web search)的方法,大部分用戶都是用關(guān)鍵詞搜索(keyword search),通過不同的搜索路徑(search path)可能得到不同的搜索結(jié)果(search result),有些網(wǎng)站可能會收集用戶的搜索偏好(search preference),在顯示結(jié)果時有所區(qū)別。

  filtering software 過濾軟件
  associative-word search 聯(lián)想詞搜索
  human flesh search 人肉搜索
  Internet lynching 網(wǎng)絡私刑
  vigilante of the Internet 網(wǎng)絡義警

  stampede in Mecca
  Over 1,300 people were killed and 2,000 injured in a stampede in Mina, neighboring the holy city of Mecca, on Thursday. It was the second major disaster during this year's hajj season.


  這是麥加25年來發(fā)生的最嚴重踩踏事故(stampede)。沙特表示,踩踏事故的死亡人數(shù)(death toll)還將上升。據(jù)沙特當局介紹,踩踏事故發(fā)生在"石擊惡魔"(又稱"射石")(stoning of the devil)儀式前。據(jù)悉,朝覲者(pilgrims)在距麥加4英里處的米納豎立了三面象征撒旦的石墻,朝每面石墻投擲7塊石塊以洗刷自己的罪惡(throw pebbles against three stone columns)。但隨后儀式發(fā)生混亂,引發(fā)了此次踩踏事故。


  pilgrimage 朝圣
  hajj 麥加朝圣
  holy city 圣城
  safety measure 安全措施
  ambulance 救護車
  rescue crews 救護隊
  emergency workers 急救人員

  scandal over rigging of vehicle emissions tests
  Volkswagen will name Matthias Mueller, the head of its Porsche sports car brand, as its chief executive as it tries to recover from a scandal over its rigging of US vehicle emissions tests, a source close to the matter said.


  穆勒此前就被人們認為是最有希望接替文德恩的人選(has been widely tipped to succeed Martin Winterkorn)。此番"排放門",即在部分柴油車排放檢測中造假(cheat emissions tests on diesel cars),成為大眾78年歷史上最嚴重的危機(the biggest business crisis in Volkswagen's 78-year history)。

  大眾汽車將面臨重振消費者及經(jīng)銷商信心的艱苦戰(zhàn)役(a battle to restore the confidence of customers and motor dealers)。大眾還將面臨刑事調(diào)查以及來自受欺騙消費者的訴訟(face criminal inquiries and lawsuits from cheated customers).

  emissions test 尾氣測試
  diesel car 柴油車
  car sharing 拼車
  automobile exhausts 汽車尾氣
  yellow label vehicles 黃標車
  heavy-polluting vehicles 高污染排放車輛
  automobile emission standards 機動車排放標準
  restrictions on purchasing motor vehicles 機動車限購政策

  mixed-ownership reform
  The State Council gave foreign investors a clear signal on Thursday, welcoming their participation in the country's mixed-ownership reforms.

  海外投資人可以通過海外合并(overseas mergers)、融資合作(financing cooperation)以及境外投資(offshore financing)等參與中國的國企改革和重組(reform and reorganization of State-owned enterprises)。中國國務院還呼吁開展各種項目的試點工程,涉及的領(lǐng)域包括電力(electric power)、石油和天然氣(petroleum and natural gas)、鐵路(railway)、民航(civil aviation)、電信(telecommunication)以及軍工(war industry)等領(lǐng)域。

  國務院9月中旬發(fā)布《關(guān)于深化國有企業(yè)改革的指導意見》,旨在提高總資產(chǎn)(total assets)超過15萬億美元的國企效率(efficiency of State-owned enterprises)。除了不斷的開放(opening-up),我國將進一步提高外資安全審查體系(system for security reviews of foreign assets)。

  State capital 國有資本
  socialist market economy 社會主義市場經(jīng)濟
  natural monopoly industries 自然壟斷行業(yè)
  non-public enterprises 非公有制企業(yè)
  employee stock ownership 員工持股







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